My monthly wrap-ups are for me to share more of my daily goings on — the little things that make up my life in Paris. For previous months, see here.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best month I’ve had in Paris.
My social life has finally reached a point where it rivals the life I had back in Asia (and is possibly even better); I’ve resumed French lessons and absolutely adore my new school; and just when I thought I’d hit a Paris food rut, I discovered a slew of new favorite restaurants.
It took over a year, but I can finally say I am outstandingly happy here.
February 2013
Crêpe Day
As a Pennsylvanian, I know February 2 as Groundhog Day — but the French recognize it for something completely different (and far more tasty): Crêpes. To celebrate, I met up with Carin, Milsters, and Grace at Breizh Epicerie, which is located next to the well-known café and offers many of their artisanal butters, caramels, and other products for sale. I’m a fan of the smaller space, it’s more communal and relaxed.
(For the record, by the end of the day I had eaten seven crêpes.)
Mornings at the Louvre
Even though I’m not a museum person, I’ve now been to the Louvre so many times that I can hit the highlights in one hour — so I’ve started taking my non-museum-loving friends on early morning ‘tours’.
During one such morning with Carin, we noticed several painters had set up easels around the Italian wing. This artist in particular stepped aside to let me take a photo of his work, so I told him in French, “Your painting is very beautiful.”
In response, he leaned forward and said with a smile, “Vous êtes aussi jolie.“ Morning. made. (and I can now cross “be complimented by a French painter inside the Louvre” off the Bucket List of Things I Never Knew I Wanted to Happen.)
Cajun Beer Lunch
There’s this monthly pop-up beer lunch (three courses with three paired pints) that’s been going around Paris. Thanks to Emily and Diane I was clued into February’s, which took place in a tiny café near Gare de Lyon and was Cajun-themed in honor of Mardi Gras. There was even a soulful southern band fronted by a woman from Louisiana, which made the afternoon a winning combination of good friends, good beer, good food and good music.
More details and photos can be found in Diane’s post and this six-second Vine.
Brooklyn Brewery launch party
Brooklyn Brewery celebrated its launch in Paris with a ridiculous event at the newly-opened Le Mary Celeste. How ridiculous? Free-flow pints and €1 oysters all night. At some point during the event I met the BB Brewmaster and one of the general managers, who then pulled out chocolate stouts and tabasco beer cocktails for me to try. If I wasn’t a fan of Brooklyn Brewery before, I certainly am now.
More photos (Le Mary Celeste is a great space, by the way) in Diane’s post here.
Married Girls’ Night
Even though I spent Valentine’s Day alone, I made up for it that weekend thanks a night in with Sam, Jackie, and Lindsey. As much as I love hanging with my single friends, it was nice to spend some time with the married ladies. Not to imply that being married is better or worse — our girls’ nights are just completely different. And involve many Pierre Hermé macarons.
Plus Sam has a Slingbox, so the night eventually devolved into us watching terrible American reality television on TLC and cat videos on YouTube.
Carte de sejour
After 14 months of very smooth sailing in Paris, this month I finally experienced that notorious beast of red tape, French bureaucracy. I ended up spending SEVEN HOURS sitting at the prefecture before getting my carte de sejour (residency card) approved…and two of those hours were because the staff went on lunch break. There was even some shouting involved, but long story short, I finally have French residency for the year — and now I finally understand why everyone complains about going to the prefecture.
Dim Sum and Lantern Festival
Since discovering La Chine Massena last month, Sunday dim sum brunches in Chinatown have now become a weekly tradition amongst our friends. But what I love even more than the food is the socializing aspect — every week it’s a different group of 6-12 people, and I’m so happy that all my friends are finally meeting each other (and of course my social circle expands through it too).
This past Sunday was Lantern Festival, and La Chine Massena even put on a special celebration — complete with a fake Buddha waving a French flag, loud Chinese drummers and five dancing dragons. It was quite a surprise, but everyone at our table (the only foreigners in the restaurant) loved it and agreed: best dim sum brunch ever.
For more photos, my friend Michael (a dim sum newbie!) wrote on the fake Buddha and dragons here.
For video, there’s this Vine of the dragons and this Vine of our happy crew.
The New Crew
Without question, the biggest contributor to my newfound happiness in Paris is the Google crew (not all of them are Googlers, but we all know each other through one Googler or another). Since meeting them, my weekends — and often weekdays — have never been dull: from one friend’s classy concert in an art gallery, to impromptu houseparties and dinners (where we dance like this), to another Googler’s farewell party that involved absinthe and crates of beer driven in from Belgium. They’re excellent company, not to mention incredibly warm and welcoming and some of the best friends I could ask for, in any city.
For your entertainment
Finally, a couple things I spotted this month that made me smile: First, while California’s banning foie gras, Paris fast food restaurants are putting it on burgers. Second, I’m not sure why (American restaurant) Breakfast in America is labeling Coca-Cola as Beaujolais du Texas — especially when Coke is from Georgia?
Other posts about February in Paris:
A night at the Irish Embassy in Paris
On family, tradition, and the Year of the Snake
As excellent as February was, I’m incredibly excited for March: Mike is coming to visit, spring is clearly on its way, and I recently made a wildly impulsive travel booking that I can’t wait to fly out for in the second week of March (I’ll be gone for St. Patrick’s Day, but it’s not where you think).
How was your February?

February 28, 2013 at 05:20Oy, the Brooklyn Brewery in Brooklyn doesn’t have oysters! It’s actually not even close to that classy, haha.
It’s also very interesting to hear how you meet people in your foreign land. Here in Abu Dhabi, everyone is all about the meet up groups. I’ve never done it, but a few friends do it and I’ve met most of Abu Dhabi’s prominent meet up members through them, haha.
Paris in Four Months
February 28, 2013 at 09:50You made me smile from ear to ear when you wrote “It took over a year, but I can finally say I am outstandingly happy here”. I’m so happy for you Edna :)
xx Carin
Julika of Sateless Suitcase
February 28, 2013 at 10:27Great post! I’m absolutely impressed with you eating seven crêpes on one day! And I just love that painter in the Louvre incident — this is exactly what everyone imagines living in Paris would be like!
Steph (@ 20 Years Hence)
February 28, 2013 at 12:11Yay yay yay! It really does sound like February kicked ass for you!
Also, I have never ever seen or known anyone in France refer to Coke as that! Normally it’s just “le coca” or something like that, no?
February 28, 2013 at 16:02Well, you’ve reminded me that I’ve yet to visit the actual Brooklyn Brewery in Brooklyn–MUST get on that soon! Dying over the “Beaujolais du Texas” comment–only the French! Might have to send that to my mom, she’d get a kick out of it. Glad to hear that things are finally coming together in Paris :)
Alex @ ifs ands & butts
February 28, 2013 at 16:30Ummm there is a Crepe day?!! That rules.
February 28, 2013 at 18:40Crepe Day sounds like the best day EVER! I’m completely impressed that you managed to eat seven crepes. I hope at least one contained Nutella.
Diane, A Broad
February 28, 2013 at 19:11For reals though, best month ever.
Partly because of this song:
February 28, 2013 at 21:51I’m still cracking up at “Beaujolais du Texas”! Haha, you just made my night ;)
The 5 best things I ate in Paris: February - Expat Edna
March 1, 2013 at 01:39[…] has been my best month in Paris yet – but while I discovered […]
Erica of Kizzling Around
March 1, 2013 at 06:30pop-up beer places? screw this new job, i’m moving to Paris.
again, not really. apparently I’m prone to lying at 23:30.
also, i’m not a huge fan of Brooklyn Brewery for some reason, but you can’t argue against 1 euro oysters!
March 3, 2013 at 07:13Enjoy following your Paris adventure. I’ve been to Paris a few times but it was long before I discovered a photography… need to get back there!
Kieu ~ GQ trippin
March 3, 2013 at 20:04Ah, E! I love that you’re finally settling in. Who cares that it took you a year. And can I say, 1 Euro oysters, Louvre in the morning and macarons and beer sound like my kind of month too! Isn’t it weird I want to try that fois gras burger?? LOL. Here’s to many more happy months to come!
March 4, 2013 at 09:34Seems like you’re having a blast. Especially with all the food tasting!
Hmmmm, food tasting:)
Lauren @ roamingtheworld
March 5, 2013 at 00:07you’re definitely soaking up Paris!
So glad you’re loving it because I clearly remember the post on why Paris wasn’t for you!
How did you meet the google crew?
March 7, 2013 at 19:58I’m so envious! That looks like such an incredible February. I’m in your boat too, I moved to San Francisco just over a year ago and can finally say I’m truly happy here. Why am I so happy? Like yourself, I’m doing so many new and interesting things and spending time with wonderful people in an amazing city!
March 8, 2013 at 20:08Your February was so lovely! (minus the carte de sejour part, anyway). My mouth is watering over those crepes, although I’m more of an American pancake gal myself-not that my UK compatriots in any way approve of that! Glad you’re feeling so settled and happy :)
March 11, 2013 at 09:02I love that you made it to the Brooklyn Brewery launch. Yeah! Show ’em how it’s done!
The Time-Crunched Traveler (Ellen)
March 11, 2013 at 11:43So cool that Brooklyn Brewery launched in Paris! I’m a big fan of both their beer and the brewery itself in Brooklyn. Mmm and those crepes look delicious. Sounds like you had a great month!