One of the many reasons I love New Year’s is the idea of starting anew; wiping the slate clean of the past year’s dusty transgressions and poor habits. So every year I write a short list of resolutions, usually minor things like ‘stop biting my nails’ (a resolution that has been made and broken twenty years running).
However, when I moved from Asia to Europe in the first week of January, I took the continental switch and the timing as the perfect catalyst for change — a chance to really take some risks and make big strides in my career, travels, and love.
So when I arrived in Paris, I wrote five “Realistic Resolutions” for 2012. Hard to believe nearly twelve months have passed since I wrote that post (one of the first ever on this site) — and here’s what I have to show for it:
Participate in London 2012:
Check. Not only did I get to the London Olympics, but I was there as an accredited journalist — the ultimate dream come true. I saw both Opening and Closing Ceremonies, got to interview Muhammad Ali’s daughter, and covered swimming and track and field (and Phelps’ and Bolt’s press conferences) most nights. More on my London 2012 experience here.
Rock at long-distance:
Check plus, thanks in large part to Skype, Facetime, and Google video chat. Mike and I flew out to see each other every 2-5 months and were able to travel together in Ireland, Paris, Bristol and Singapore over this past year. On my birthday he proposed, so we’re now rocking a long-distance engagement. Read our story here.
Visit at least three new countries in Europe:
As I predicted, due to my work schedule I didn’t get to travel as often as I did in Asia. In the end I managed to visit Ireland and the south of France for a week, England thrice, and Azerbaijan for a month — Ireland wasn’t new but France was, so I’m calling this one as a (barely-achieved, but it still counts) success.
Become fluent in French:
Well…no. This one did not pan out as well as I had hoped; I now have conversational French but am nowhere near fluent. The intensive language courses fell to the wayside, and hoping for complete immersion was naïve considering how many people in Paris speak English. But excuses aside I have no one to blame for myself; I could have studied more and even though I did make a few French friends, I still spent most of my time with the American ones. But my friends are fantastic people, so I have no regrets about that part.
Make something of this blog:
In my humble opinion, I’d say this is a Check. So far this year I’ve published 140 posts (and the month isn’t even over yet!) In early May my post on Dublin was featured on WordPress’ Freshly Pressed, and in July I overhauled the site design and moved to self-hosting. When I started out, I had only ever written two guest posts and interviews and now I’m up to…well, just take a look.
I also started three series: The 5 best things I ate in…, I Love My Neighborhood, and Expat Entrepreneurs, the latter two of which have introduced me to some very interesting and inspiring expats from around the world.
More than any stats or page rank, what I’m most pleased with is how this blog has changed me: It’s made me a better writer and photographer, tapped a creative side of me I didn’t know I had, and helped me become a much more motivated person who may still struggle with procrastination — but now struggles less.
Best of all, starting this site has introduced me to some amazing people, including new best friends I may never have met otherwise — and for that alone, every late night I spent staying up editing photos and rewriting copy was 100 percent worth it.
Did anyone else make resolutions for 2012? How did they turn out?

Ashley of Ashley Abroad
December 27, 2012 at 21:45I may have gotten the lowdown on this via Skype last night, but it was still fascinating and inspiring to read. Great job on achieving so many of your goals! And maybe we can have a joint goal of “learn French” this year in Paris. We both have six months to master the language… that’s not impossible, right?
January 13, 2013 at 10:29Thanks Ashley! Six months isn’t impossible, and I’m really enjoying my new French school more than my last one so maybe…
Will She Love Paris
December 27, 2012 at 23:16Edna, you are inspirational and I commend you for achieving each of your resolutions. Nevermind the french fluency bit because that’s “normal”. I think most anglophones (myself included of course) face the same issue, constantly saying “why am i not fluent yet???” You are an awesome awesome blogger and I’m so glad to have found you. My resolutions for 2012 included moving to Paris, travel eastern Europe and somehow celebrate my birthday in Santorini. Triple checks plus! the ones i didn’t achieve were maintaining pre-Paris bodyweight (plummeted!) and run along the Seine :(
January 13, 2013 at 10:30Aw thanks Grace! I’m glad to have found you too and can’t wait for our desserts meet-up soon! Which unfortunately won’t help your weight, but I’m sure you’ll agree they’re worth it :)
December 28, 2012 at 03:00It looks like 2012 was quite an amazing year for you! Way to go with achieving most of your goals — and the fluency thing is easier said than done! Especially in a place like Paris… but I think enjoying yourself and improving are the most important things, and it looks like you did that! Congrats!
January 13, 2013 at 10:31Thanks for the kind words, Erika!
Alex @ ifs ands & Butts
December 28, 2012 at 13:42Way to go Edna, what a year! I’m sure 2013 will be just as spectacular!
January 13, 2013 at 10:31Thanks Alex! I certainly hope so — btw, any chance you’ll be popping over to Paris this year?
December 29, 2012 at 09:49Congratulations! I have to say that I have never been good about making resolutions and sticking to them, but yours have definitely inspired me to do them this year. Happy new Year, Edna! So wonderful to have met you via blogging!
January 13, 2013 at 10:32Thanks Daisy — wonderful to meet you too! I love getting your posts in my email!
December 29, 2012 at 11:34Wow, your 2012 sounds like it was an amazing year for you! Congrats on all your achievements, and hope 2013 is just as big for you.
I didn’t make specific goals for this year, but I’m working on some solid resolutions for next year. Happy New Year!
January 13, 2013 at 10:33Thanks Jessica, I hope you have a wonderful 2013 as well!
December 30, 2012 at 09:31Looks like 2012 was a terrific year full of adventures–congrats for keeping so well to your resolutions!
I only knew about one of your series and am planning to check out the others to see what I’ve been missing. Will you be posting resolutions for 2013?
January 13, 2013 at 10:34Thanks Cassandra! Yep, I’ve posted my resolutions for 2013, you can find them here:
December 31, 2012 at 22:44Year well done, my dear. Even if you didn’t cross off every single thing on your resolution list, you certainly accomplished a lot. I’m especially grateful for your blogging success. Wouldn’t have had the pleasure of connecting with you otherwise :) enjoy the celebration tonight (right now? darn time difference) and wishing you even more things to be proud of in 2013!
January 13, 2013 at 10:35Thanks Danielle — I’m super glad we met this year! Can’t wait to have many more lunch and dinner dates in 2013 :)
Erica of Kizzling Around
January 1, 2013 at 01:37I really admire how you set high goals for yourself and really work toward them. I should do that instead of having really vague goals like “fix posture,” “travel” & “figure out my life,” none of which happened in 2012. (Ok, I traveled a little bit) but for the oops! for the other two.
there’s always next year, right?
oh crap, that’s in 5 more hours. aidez moi!
January 13, 2013 at 10:35Thanks Erica — I’m a big fan of measurable success, must be my love of numbers kicking in (I know, I’m so Asian sometimes).
Gerard ~ GQ trippin
January 3, 2013 at 16:15Conversational French is still French in my books! Way to rock it this year, Edna. I’ve truly enjoyed following your adventures and congrats again on the engagement. 2013 is a wedding planning year for us! LOL
January 13, 2013 at 10:36Thanks G! I’ve loved following you and Q this year — let’s make 2013 the year we finally meet?! And good luck on the wedding planning!
Bethany ~ twoOregonians
January 4, 2013 at 09:15Edna, I’ve loved running across your (digital) path this year :) and I’m excited to see how 2013 unfolds for you! Keep up the good work with your blog, and continue with that lovely attitude that says writing and creativity are far more important than stats or page rank. If you love what you’re doing, it shows! And that’s what truly attracts people :) xx Bethany
January 13, 2013 at 10:38Bethany, thanks for your kind words — I truly believe that too! Loved running across your path this year as well!
January 8, 2013 at 12:10And what an amazing year you have had!! So much to be proud of!! Can’t wait til you get back and we can have more girly hangouts!! xx
January 13, 2013 at 10:38Thanks Emma — cannot wait to hang out with you very soon!