Welcome to another edition of “I Love My Neighborhood”, where I ask expats from across the globe to share the joys of local life they’ve found in their corner of the world.
If you’re just joining in now, check out the other cities that have been covered so far here.
Today’s guest post comes Kelly, an expat in another one of my favorite cities: Hong Kong. It’s one of the few places in the world that can compete with Shanghai for my love — and that’s why I enjoy reading Kelly’s blog, as her posts frequently focus on food finds in Hong Kong. Today she switches gears and writes about SoHo, which apparently is not just a neighborhood in New York City (see, you learn something new every day).
Kelly: Why I Love SoHo (South of Hollywood Road)
SoHo is located right next to Central (the financial hub of Hong Kong) and the famous Mid-Level escalators, which are the longest covered outdoor escalator system in the world. Known for antique shops, various modern art/sculpture galleries, open air food stalls, high-end boutiques, mom and pop restaurants, wet markets, trendy restaurants, wet markets, and even coffin makers, it’s a real mish-mash of a neighborhood.
Amazing Views
Hong Kong is full of amazing views. One of my favorites is the view from Hong Kong Island towards the International Commerce Center. I walk down to the harbor at least a couple of times a week to enjoy the view. Tip: On the fourth floor inside the IFC Mall in Central, there are tables and chairs open to the public. There is no need to purchase anything to enjoy this fabulous view.
Convenient Location
SoHo is located in the heart of Hong Kong; everything and anything you want can be bought or eaten here. Some people never cook a meal at home, especially since eating out can be very cheap if you stick with the open air food stalls and local non-chain small eateries.
Hong Kong Disney is only half an hour away; an hour door-to-door! I only visit Hong Kong Disney during the weekdays where there is pretty much no line for anything. Space Mountain: Ten minutes! I love the general feel-good atmosphere of Disney — a great change of pace from chaotic Hong Kong, which is why I purchased an annual pass.
Whenever I am too lazy to visit Disney, I head for Hong Kong’s Ocean Park which is only fifteen minutes away. I always head towards the panda exhibit first. I never liked pandas until I saw them in person; but once I did, that warm fuzzy feeling never left me. I also purchased an annual pass here as it is offers pandas and spectacular views of Repulse Bay.
Hiking Trails
When the weather is not too hot, I drag my husband out to go hiking. Our favorite is the spectacular Dragon’s Back Hike. It is an easy hike that we can do wearing sneakers and can be completed in around two hours. It is also only a fifteen-minute MTR or bus ride away!
When the weather is crazy hot, as it often is in Hong Kong, I head for the beach. There are quite a few nearby beaches to choose from, but my favorite is the beach located at Long Island, which is only a thirty-minute ferry ride away from Central. Long Island is very quaint and has pretty good air quality as cars are forbidden on the island. Plus there are lots of tasty snacks like freshly fried potato chips on a stick, frozen fruit on a stick, shaved ice, in addition to numerous seafood restaurants.
About the author: Kelly is a housewife and aspiring author living in Hong Kong with her husband. She loves living in Hong Kong and is very glad to have the opportunity to do so. She blogs about her adventures in travel and food at The Hungry Egghead.
All photos courtesy of the author.
I’m looking for guest bloggers! Want to write about your neighborhood? Contact me here.

Link Love « the hungry egghead
July 17, 2012 at 02:37[…] Posting at Expat Edna today as part of her “I love my Neighborhood Series”. Edna is someone that I have gotten to know through blogging. One of the things I really admire Edna […]
July 17, 2012 at 04:13After reading this, I’m fairly convinced that I need to visit Hong Kong again. I think I was just too busy being lost and clueless last time!
July 20, 2012 at 17:25I visited HK 5 times before I moved here. I always wanted to live in HK.
July 20, 2012 at 17:32Pressed enter to quickly, meant to say that I was lost and clueless the first, second, third times I visited because there is so much to experience. :)
July 17, 2012 at 04:16Oh! also TDL is about an hour and a half from where I live- so I completely understand what a treat it is to have it so close by!
July 17, 2012 at 04:28What a Beautiful Place – thanks for sharing – enjoyed the tour:)
Ann Mah
July 17, 2012 at 09:10This post is making me even more excited about my trip to HK next month! I’m making a note of all of Kelly’s tips, especially the one about Soho street food.
kristen (@unefemmeparis)
July 18, 2012 at 02:13Ive never been to Hong Kong but as you know Edna… it might someday be my next temporary home. I’m so excited to follow Kelly’s blog!
July 20, 2012 at 17:31Try to pick a building that is fireproof as many of the older ones are not. Check out my post regarding that issue: http://thehungryegghead.com/2012/01/03/living-space-is-not-everything-fire-safety-is/
October 29, 2012 at 16:33I LOVE that your photo has Tuk Tuk Thai in it! I absolutely loved the food there…and pretty much everywhere in Hong Kong! I need to make another trip out there soon.