Welcome to another edition of “I Love My Neighborhood”, where I ask expats from across the globe to share the joys of local life they’ve found in their corner of the world.
If you’re just joining in now, check out the other cities that have been covered so far here.
This week’s guest post comes from Adam, an American in Berlin and one of the first travel bloggers I ever started following, back in 2010 when I was still a senior in college. He had quit his job and was heading off on a round-the-world trip then; now he’s slowed down his travels and is an expat based in — and obviously in love with — Berlin.
Adam: Why I Love Kreuzberg
If Berlin is the center of cool in all of Europe, then the neighborhood (or as we say in Berlin, “kiez”) of Kreuzberg is the coolest. With a thriving international community, more artists and bohemians than most other places and an atmosphere of jovial fun, Kreuzberg isn’t just the place to see….it’s the best place to be!
Kreuzberg is centrally located in Berlin—and straddles what was once the Berlin wall.
Because of the diverse mix in Kreuzberg there are plenty of problems, but let’s focus on the positives:
International People
Kreuzberg is often identified as one of the most diverse parts of Berlin. Traditionally it was a hub for many immigrants and much of that culture is still there. Now there are often complaints about gentrification — locals who’ve lived there for a long time are being pushed out by higher rents and costs of living because of the influx of wealthy expats and tourists looking for a “counter-culture” vibe.
A Little Bit of Everything
Kreuzberg is the center of Berlin’s tourism industry with many of the city’s hippest clubs, trendy restaurants, vintage clothing shops and more. While many of the locals might not like the tourists, Kreuzberg thrives on tourism while simultaneously sneering down at the droves of internationals.
“Poor but Sexy”
The city is often described as “poor but sexy” and Kreuzberg is one of the most poor (and sexiest) parts of Berlin.
International Food
With such a large immigrant population (often cited as the area in all of Germany with the largest percentage of foreigners), it’s no surprise that the food here is diverse. On a single block radius you can find everything from traditional Belgian waffles to Lebanese falafel.
The Bicycles!
Berlin is very bike-friendly and Kreuzberg is especially so. Bike parking spaces are all over. Just make sure you lock up your bike because the rate of theft is pretty high.
About the author: Originally from Boston, Adam is a graphic designer and hipster blogger currently living in Berlin. You can follow his travels on twitter, facebook, and g+, as well as his other site on gay travel.

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